Remote Kitchen Design

Remote Kitchen Design

Keeping Entertained During Self Isolation

With COVID-19 keeping most people at home and many jobs slowing to a crawl, many people are wondering what to do with all this spare time to keep themselves entertained during self isolation.

With many people not having had this much spare time in perhaps years, we are spending a lot of time googling for ideas about how to keep ourselves entertained during self isolation. However, we need to think of this as being given the gift of time; no more commuiting, no clubs or events to be running between, this is time to focus on ourselves, our family, our lives and to take the time to plan for the future.

Home Renovation

Of course you can look at future plans, finance, jobs etc but who doesn't love a bit of home renovation planning. If you want to rearrange your whole house, have a look at my last blog Loving or Listing your Home like Kirstie Allsopp or keep reading to learn about remote kitchen design.

The Kitchen Lady has been offering remote kitchen design since the beginning and has completed projects as far as America and Poland! I've had to get my head around inches and clarifying what exactly faucets, cooktops and standard sizes are for the US but it's been great fun working with Mike and I've since gone on to design his bathroom too.

Remote Kitchen Design

It's easy to achieve remote kitchen design with the wonders of the internet, Mike and I have planned his kitchen and bathroom completely through email with him sending me room sizes and pictures of both his existing space and his dream space. Using a mixture of 3D computer generated renders and 2D working plans, we have remotely designed his kitchen and bathroom, and I have provided him with a shopping list for him to source for the budget of his choice. I've even gone as far as to choose tile combinations online through his local tile depo when he has wanted some guidance with colour choices!

If you want help entertaining yourself during self isolation and fancy some help with Emily's Remote Kitchen Design services, have a look at her kitchen design packages which will give you 10 hours of help with no sales agenda, just wanting to make your home the perfect place for you and your family to live.

"A delightful experience from start to finish. Skilled, affordable, and professional, Covey Kitchens* provided a beautiful plan that was perfect for me. I'm planning to use Emily to help with further details as the project proceeds."

Mike - Oklahoma
*Previous business name before rebranding to The Kitchen Lady UK